Tuggeranong Chess Club Resumes for 2025 with the New Years’ Blitz on Monday the 13th of January. All are welcome. A full schedule of events for the year can be found on the Calendar page.

Congratulations to all tournament winners in 2024:

2024 Club Championship:

  1. Tim Pearce 8.5/11
  2. Matt Radisich 8/11
  3. =Adrian de Noskowski, Milan Grcic, Max Albert, David Jaksa 7/11

2024 New Years’ Blitz

  1. Jonah Gear 8.5/9
  2. Wais Sidiqi 8/9
  3. Milan Grcic 7/9

2024 Woden Cup

  1. Hui Li 8/9
  2. Wais Sidiqi 6.5/9
  3. =Brian Butler, David Jaksa 6/9

2024 Hetherington Memorial

  1. =Brian Butler, Wais Sidiqi 5.5/7
  2. Milan Grcic 5/7

2024 Winter Rapids

  1. Wais Sidiqi 7.5/9
  2. Milan Grcic 6.5/9
  3. =Harry Johnson, Matt Radisich, Brian Butler 6/9

2024 Karl Galli Cup

  1. =Harry Johnson, Masaki Horikawa 7.5/9
  2. Dev Raichura 6/9

2024 Tuggeranong Masters

  1. Brian Butler 6/9
  2. =Bill Sargent, Victor Braguine, David Jaksa, Wais Sidiqi, Harry Johnson 5.5/9

2024 Tuggeranong Challengers

  1. Leiming Yu 7/9
  2. Lachlan Smart 6.5/9
  3. Will Knight 6/9

2024 Tuggeranong Open

  1. James Minogue 9/9
  2. Milan Grcic 7/9
  3. Roy Teymant 6.5/9

2024 Rapid Championship

  1. Max Albert 9/9
  2. Harry Johnson 8/9
  3. Milan Grcic 7/9

2024 Christmas Blitz

  1. =Harry Johnson, Jonah Gear 7/9
  2. Wais Sidiqi 6.5

When and Where

The Tuggeranong Chess Club meets once a week at Vikings Club Erindale, 6 Ricardo Street, Wanniassa, ACT 2903 at 7pm on Monday nights. Check the club calendar if unsure of the night.

If you are interested in playing or finding out more about the club, just turn up on the night or you can contact us first. 


Parking is freely available at Vikings Erindale.


The club welcomes players of all ages and all strengths. Advice is freely given to beginners and those unfamiliar with club and tournament play.


The club provides all equipment. Players should bring a pen to record moves in longer time-control events.


The Club is affiliated with the ACT Chess Association (ACTCA) and welcomes both serious and social players.

Club tournaments are run continuously during the year – see the calendar for details. Most of the club’s tournaments use a long time control of 60 minutes plus 30 seconds per move for each player. Players are welcome to join tournaments at any time.


All club tournaments are rated as part of the Australian Chess Federation’s rating system. This means that after playing one or two tournaments, new players will receive a rating which is an indicator of their playing strength, much in the same way that a golfer’s handicap indicates their golfing strength. Ratings are revised every three months (aligned with the seasons) based on tournament results.


The current annual fee is $25 ($15 juniors) which covers full year membership and includes all tournament fees. Exceptionally, new members may pay $10 for temporary membership to play in individual tournaments, if they would like to see how they enjoy playing before committing themselves to the full annual fee. However, the full year membership fee must be paid by all players competing in the Club Championship.

Fees cover equipment, affiliation fees, rating fees, trophies, prizes and administration costs.


Players under the age of 18 must be accompanied to and from the chess playing area by a parent or guardian. 


Tuggeranong Chess Club players join and make use of the facilities of the Vikings Club. Players can have a meal before play, tea/coffee and a quiet drink after the game if they wish.